Evidence for a hollow earth? Does nasa exist only to hide our world from us?

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This excellent video compiles all the strangeness going on with the hollow earth story into one video. Before you dismiss it out of hand, one has to wonder why we maintain a fighting force in antartica and why Russia decided to build bases in/around the north pole recently. Why is there a plateau named after Rockefeller at the south pole (and warm water lakes found there)?

Tons of dead fish washing up all at once in lakes and oceans

Tons of dead fish washing up all at once in lakes and oceans

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Fish by the millions are dying unexpectedly around the world in both lakes and the oceans. Chile, Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, India, China, Boliva and others are losing fish by the ton and scientists can’t seem to figure out why. Consider methane gas, which leaks out from the earth as the plates begin to shift around. These methane plumes are deadly in concentrated form to both humans and animals. When these plumes release into waters, the result is not difficult to imagine. As the planet x system draws closer and pulls on our world, these plates will continue to shift and our fault lines, and those that live near them will be in severe jeopardy.

Proof that local and national media is controlled and coordinated

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If you’re new to this topic, this may come as quite a shock. America lost its first amendment a while back. Not just the freedom to speak, but the right for the press to not be infringed by elements of our government. If you doubt this, google ‘operation mockingbird‘ and see what the government has been up to since the 50’s. All the media, especially the national news, is scripted by the overlords in a effort to get you to think a certain way. Congress made propaganda legal a few years ago, and they use the media to try to make you angry at whomever they wish, so they can start wars. Remember those beheading videos? Almost all of them faked. Multiple camera angles, special effects and other tiny mistakes revealed them as such. There are hundreds of videos online of people dissecting these events apart to show you what’s really going on. Take some time to investigate national events yourself and you’ll start to see your TV as something more than just an entertainment device. “Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see”.